Installation / Setup Tips

The SOL setting will not change after executing " ipmitool sol set set-in-progress commit-write 1. "

This commit-write feature is used to roll back the sol setting, and it is an option to implement in IPMI spec 2.0. Our BMC FW doesn't support it.

Please don't use this instruction to issue commands, because it will mask the error message
#ipmitool sol set set-in-progress commit-write 1

Please use this "ipmitool raw 0xc 0x21 0x1 0x00 0x2" to replace it. that is equal to "ipmitool sol set set-in-progress commit-write 1". and will not filter the messages. Then this raw data should be reported as "completion code: 0x80 not support" by BMC response.

QuantaGrid D51B-1U QuantaGrid D51BP-1U QuantaGrid D51B-2U